Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby Pici!!

Antonio and I are expecting our first child together October 14th, 2010.

Currently, I am 13 wks and 2 days along and am loving every minute of it. (For the most part)
Antonio is so great with helping me through my nausea and being there for me when I need him. He is probably the best person to go through this with, I couldn't imagine anyone else really.

On Thursday at our 13 wk appt, we got a sonogram of our bouncing trouble maker!

The baby was all over the place and was cracking the ultrasound technician up because the baby wouldn't stay still! Finally after about 10-15 minutes, she measured the baby's heart rate at 156bpm and was able to get only one decent photo out of the visit. Even in this picture though, our baby is clearly covering his/her face. That little booger.

We plan on keeping the baby's gender a surprise by the way!!
More updates to come!


Anonymous said...

Looks Great! So glad your keeping the gender a secret, I SO wish I did that! Definitely doing it for the next baby!

Crystal Wilcox-Pici said...

It's been a fight between us haha He really wants to know, but I've convinced him little by little to not find out. We shall see how long he can hold his composure with it lol